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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee

Regional Meeting
Edinburgh 1993

The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened in Edinburgh, Scotland, on December 6-7, 1993.

The original meeting minutes are below.




1.   Meeting agenda at Annex A, attendee list at Annex B, action list located
Annex C and Bibliography ex UKCSG Teach-in meeting Annex D.  Meeting
commenced with representatives introducing themselves to each other.

2.   Opening Addresses and Chairpersons Review

Walter Blanchard, the RIN President and UKCSG Chairman opened the meeting and
thanked delegates for their attendance, especially the representatives from
Australia and Japan.

Captain James Taylor, Chief Executive of Northern Lighthouse Board delivered
the opening address and warmly welcomed attendees.

He recognized the increasing importance of Satellite Navigation and the
necessity for comprehensive resources to facilitate GPS introduction.
Although Northern Lighthouse Board were hosting the meeting, Captain Taylor
stressed the impartiality of the UK Department of Transport in respect of

3.   Chairperson's Review

George Preiss acknowledged the attendance of representatives from Australia,
Germany, Italy, Norway, Poland, United Kingdom and the United States. Absent
delegates from Denmark, Finland, Netherlands and Sweden had forwarded their
best wishes for a successful meeting.

He reviewed IISC activity following the two previous European meetings,
Honefoss 1990 and London November 1991. Since then, four CGSIC meetings had
been held with simultaneous IISC meetings.

At the last Interface Committee meeting, the revised IISC charter was
submitted to the CGSIC Co - Chairman for adoption. Significantly, the
Edinburgh meeting coincided with European and American Satellite Navigation
policy developments . In particular, the anticipated GPS Initial Operating
Capability Declaration and release of the Joint DOD/DOT Task Force report.

He concluded by thanking the outgoing IISC Vice - Chairperson Mike Jensen for
his major contribution to the Subcommittee. (Subsequently, the meeting
appointed George Weber from IFAG Frankfurt as the new Vice - Chairperson.)

4.   Civil GPS Service and GPSIC Status Update

Viewfoil copies are available on request. The complete USCG maritime DGPS
service will become operational by 1996. A demonstration of the first DGPS
Control Station is scheduled for March 1994.

PPS applications for valid reasons must be directly submitted to the US
Department of Defence and for non US countries routed through their own
Defence Departments. 

At the last CGSIC meeting, attendees reported that complete GPS outages had
occurred at the following locations Venice, Brindisi, Cartagena, Pearl
Harbour, Panama City and North Australian coastal waters. In response, the
USCG have requested that any circumstances preventing GPS reception, in
particular multipath or interference, are reported to the Commanding Officer
GPSIC by either Letter ( USCG Omega Navigation System Center, 7323 Telegraph
Road, Alexandria, VA 22310 - 3998 ), Fax ( 0101 703 313 5900 ), or Telephone
( 0101 703 313 5900 ), Email on the GPS Bulletin Board ( 0101 703 313 5910 )
or X.25 ( 0311 0350 1132 800 ).

5.   GPS Status Update

Viewfoil copies are available on request. Bill Fauver stated the continuing
problems with PRN19 affecting the PPS signal and perhaps DGPS systems. The C1
constellation slot remained open and launch for this slot would not be
earlier than 3.3.1994. Also satellites 36, 37, 38 and 39 would be launched on
demand and be referenced by flight numbers instead of PRN/SV numbers.

The declarations of Initial Operating Capability ( IOC ) and Full Operating
Capability ( FOC ) remain outstanding. However  Air Force Space Command had
advised the Secretary of State for Defence that IOC could be declared. (
Subsequently IOC was declared 8.12.1993 ).  FOC will be declared after the
24th Block II/IIA satellite is operational and system testing is complete.

Laser reflectors are fitted on two Block II satellites and the provision of
a combat service location capability modelled on COSPAR/SARSAT is under
consideration. Currently, GPS Control Segment software is being upgraded and
RAIM is required for DOD user equipment.

Several enhancements are planned for the Block IIF satellites subject to
weight considerations including a Wide Area DGPS capability. The first Block
IIF launch is planned for 2004 and Position, Velocity and Timing levels
remain at existing levels until then.

For Inmarsat, the PRN codes will be different to US DOD ICD 200 specification
types and GIC will be based on PRN code developed by Inmarsat. A draft ICD is
available from RTCA to describe the alternative signal format.

6.   GPS Cost benefits

Viewfoil copies are available on request. Walter Blanchard expertly delivered
this paper on behalf of Hans van der Wal. The paper identified the potential
macro economic benefits and detailed interesting and challenging concepts.
Whether the overall benefits of GPS introduction result in increased
employment, additional value added services and improved productivity remains
to be determined.

7.   Point of Contact, Legal and Agreement Issues

The POC list requires to be updated and volunteers are needed to do this. The
meeting decided to set up a working group to discuss and respond to the
impending Task Force report.

8.   US DOT/DOD Task Force and Federal Radionavigation Plan

Viewfoil copies are available on request. Tom Gunther delivered this
presentation in the absence of Heywood Shirer. Tom emphasized the ongoing
work with the Task Force report and therefore his inability to describe its
content, recommendations or conclusions. However, he did describe the Terms
of Reference and GPS issues concerning the Task Force.

9.   Civil GNSS Office Development

Walter Blanchard reported on events since the Paris October 93 meeting which
charged IAIN with the establishment of a GNSS office. ( See CGSIC 22nd
meeting record ). Eleven Institutes of Navigation had provided written
support for office creation.

The joint ICAO/IMO group needed ICAO to establish a panel of Satellite
Navigation experts before proceeding further with its establishment. The GNSS
Office is expected to require a staff of 10 to 15 people and need annual
budget of 2.5 million US dollars.

10.  Inmarsat Update

Viewfoil copies are available on request. George Kinal gave an excellent
presentation on the Inmarsat Navigation Programme. He addressed the topics of
Geostationary Overlay, the options to provide Differential Corrections
including WADGS and Future GNSS options. 

George also identified the difficult Institutional, Legal and
Political Issues related to the above topics which will need to be resolved
in the future.

11.  Global Integrity Monitoring

Viewfoil copies are available on request. Borje Forssell delivered a first
class presentation, which was probably the highlight of the meeting.

He identified the requirements of a Satellite Navigation System and described
the various techniques to implement GPS Integrity Monitoring, particularly
for aviation. He concluded by noting the key points requiring attention to
provide Integrity Monitoring and outlining the European GNSS Transition
Strategy Plan of Eurocontrol.

12.  Glonass

Dr Peter Daly described Glonass status and mentioned the anticipated launch
of three more satellites by 1st January 1994. Glonass had recently changed
from 24 to 12 frequency transmissions with the earth shielding satellites
transmitting on the same frequency. A P code standard is apparently under
test and Leeds University have a 20 channel combined Glonass/GPS receiver
under development, with existing 10 channel GNSS receiver aboard CAA trials
BAC111 aircraft.

Peter recognized that the European Space Agency and Eurocontrol are changing
their approach to SatNav and will probably consider supplementing GPS with
their own satellites.

Difficulties still remain with obtaining Glonass information directly from
Russia and the USCG are perhaps also trying to obtain direct data from the
system provider. ( See Annex F, also the IFAG GIBS Computer Bulletin Board
does provide Glonass almanacs in Yuma format ).

13.  SATREF ( Norwegian National DGPS Service )

Viewfoil copies are available on request. George Preiss explained the current
SATREF status, including DGPS transmissions via public broadcasting stations
and the anticipated use of a satellite link to Svalbard reference station.

14.  Geodetic Aspects, IGS and Datums

Viewfoil copies are available on request. Terry gave an interesting
presentation about the IGS structure and its objectives to obtain a Global
Terrestrial Reference Frame and determine Earth Rotation Parameters, effect
Geodynamic Studies and calculate the precise orbits of GPS and other

15.  Norwegian Radionavigation Policy

Viewfoil copies are available on request. Inger-Lise Sogstad updated the
meeting on progress to develop the proposed Norwegian Radionavigation Plan.
She referred to the Terms of Reference, the Working Group Proposal and
Recommendation, Steering Committee deliberations and the current status of
NRP development. Inger-Lise hoped the first NRP would be published early in
1994, after receipt of a report from the recently formed DGPS working group.

16.  AUSLIG Projects

John Manning referred to the early users and applications of GPS i.e. Land
Surveyors, Resource Management and Offshore Survey and explained their
Bulletin Board arrangements ( See CGSIC 22nd Meeting Record ). Today's major
potential user disciplines are for aviation, marine and recreational
purposes. Much datum work has taken place concerning the Australian National
Spheroid, WGS 84 and the new geocentric date related datums i.e. ITRF 91 and
ITRF 92.6.

AUSLIG have established a network of reference stations and are introducing
a national GPS Integrity Monitor System. ( See CGSIC 22nd Meeting Record )

17.  US GPS Industry Council

Michael Swiek described the wide, varied and persuasive roles of USGIC,
especially their major achievement to influence the changes US GPS export
controls. USGIC found it essential to cooperate and communicate with the US
government, they had briefed and arranged equipment demonstrations for
congressional representatives. Although the US government funds GPS, it
listens to industry views and the USGIC is effectively in partnership with
government to promote GPS.

Other USGIC functions concerned education either directly through seminars or
GPS guide creation or perhaps indirectly through press releases. Mike
emphasized that the GPS story is still being created and USGIC are associated
with six other reports separate to the DOD/DOT Task Force deliberations. In
conclusion, he asked if the creation of a European Industry Group would be

18.  Japan GPS Council

Hiroshi Nishiguichi gave this presentation in English. The current status of
JGPSC is contained in the Summary Record of the 22nd CGSIC meeting.

19.  Closing Address

Luc Tygat began by describing the background to the Transport policy adopted
by the European Union particularly related to navigation. He explained the
reason for intervention with Loran C development which required coordination
between member states.

The European Commission are consulting expects to compile a European
Radionavigation Plan. The ERP will probably cover three time phases, early
nineties until 2000, from 2000 to probably 2010, and then future
requirements. This approach is in line with EC policies  and the ERP will
receive constant review.

The EC provides technical support for industry e.g. the financing of Glonass
receiver development. They are to keen to establish a European GNSS
complement to GPS/Glonass and European workshop to be held on this topic
9.12.1993. A tripartite Task Force of European Space Agency, Eurocontrol and
the European Commission will formulate and propose GNSS solutions. The
initial proposal will probably include GPS/Glonass/Inmarsat 3 and the Task
force will suggest solutions for future generations. By 1995 a Research and
Development programme will be established to support a European framework for
navigation by satellite.

Luc felt that IISC was important, it catalyses issues and serves to liaise in
matters concerning national/international interests with the USA.

20.  Summary of National Reports

Polish viewfoil located Annex E. George commented on the maturity of GPS and
the now well established information services in many European countries
particularly Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United
Kingdom. Perhaps the next steps will be to enlarge these Bulletin Boards to
cover other radionavigational systems, further address self funding issues,
and implement truly active distribution from the United States.

                 ANNEX A


        MONDAY - 6 DECEMBER 1993

1400 UKCSG Welcome Address         Walter Blanchard, President, RIN
1405 Opening Address               Capt James Taylor, Chief
                                   Executive of the Northern
                                   Lighthouse Board
1415 Chairperson's Review          George Preiss, Norway
1430 Civil GPS Service and GPSIC   Cdr Tom Gunther, USCG
     Status Update
1500 GPS Status Update             Major Bill Fauver, AFSPACECOM
1525 Refreshments and Bulletin Board demonstrations
1600 GPS Cost Benefits             Hans van der Wal, Netherlands
                                   Ministry of Transport
1615 Point of Contact, Legal and   Mike Jensen, IISC Vice 
     Agreement Issues              Chairperson
1625 National Reports (Information Services etc)  All
1700 Open discussion               All
1730 Close

1900 Reception hosted by Northern Lighthouse Board

T U E S D A Y   -   7   D E C E M B E R 
 1 9 9 3

0900 US DOT/DOD Task Force and     Cdr Tom Gunther or Heywood Shirer      
     Federal Radionavigation Plan  US Department of Transportation
0930 Civil GNSS Office Development Walter Blanchard, President, RIN
0945 National Reports continued    All
1030 Refreshments and Bulletin Board demonstrations
1100 Eurocontrol and GNSS          TBA
1120 Inmarsat Update               George Kinal, Inmarsat
1140 Global Integrity Monitoring   Dr B Forssell, University of
1200 Glonass                       Dr P Daly, Leeds University
1215 Open Discussion
1230 Lunch and Bulletin Board demonstrations
1400 SATREF                        George Preiss, Norway
     ( Norwegian National DGPS Service )
1415 Geodetic Aspects, IGS and     Dr Terry Moore, IEESG
     Datums                        Nottingham University
1430 Norwegian Radionavigation     Inger-Lise Sogstad, Royal 
     Policy                        Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries
1445 AUSLIG Projects               John Manning, Australia
1500 Refreshments and Bulletin Board demonstrations 
1530 US GPS Industry Council       Michael Swiek, USA
1545 Japan GPS Council             Hiroshi Nishiguichi, Japan
1600 Summary of National Reports   George Preiss, IISC Chairman
1615 Closing Address               Luc Tytgat, European Commission
1645 Open discussion
1715 Close

                 ANNEX B


Neil Ackroyd
Trimble Navigation
Hook, Hampshire

Gordon R Baron
Institute of Offshore Engineering
Heriot-Watt University

Mr W Blanchard
Dorking, Surrey

Mr Tom Boa
Northern Lighthouse Board

Bruce Butler
Trimble Navigation
Hook, Hampshire

Carlo Carmebienc

Dr Peter Daly
Institute of Satellite Navigation
Leeds University

Peter Douglas
Northern Lighthouse Board

Mr T J Ernst
Fort Wayne

Major Bill Fauver
Petersen AFB
Colorado Springs

Dr Borje Forssell
Norwegian Institute of Technology
University of Trondheim

Captain M Gibbon

Commander Tom Gunther

Miss M Haga

Ken Henderson
The Scottish Office

Robert G Horton
Hydrographic Office
Taunton, Somerset

Mike Jensen    ( IISC Vice - Chairperson )
Shell International Petroleum
The Hague

George Kinal

Mr Ron Kinnear
Northern Lighthouse Board

John Manning

Mr J Mitchell
GEC Marconi Avionics Ltd

Dr Terry Moore
Institute of Engineering, Space Science
and Geodesy
Nottingham University

Hiroshi Nishiguichi
Japan GPS Council

Graham Norris
GEC Marconi Avionics Ltd

Dennis O'Connell

Ian Padgham

Captain W Parkinson
Petersen AFB
Colorado Springs

Mr Bill Paterson
Engineer in Chief
Northern Lighthouse Board

George Preiss  ( IISC Chairperson )
Statens Kartverk

David Roberts

Mike Savill    ( IISC Secretary )
Northern Lighthouse Board

Inger-Lise Sogstad
Ministry of Fisheries

Michael Swiek
United States GPS Industry Council

Captain James Taylor
Chief Executive
Northern Lighthouse Board

Moira F Tighe
Shell Expro

Luc Tytgat
Directorate-general for Transport
European Commission

Dr Nick Ward
Trinity House Lighthouse

Dr George Weber
Institut fuer Augewandte Geodaesie

Dr J. B. Zielinski
Polish Academy of Sciences
Space Research Centre

                        ANNEX C

                      ACTION LIST

Note:      Action items are grouped in accordance with
           the objectives given in the current IISC
           Charter, together with a final group
           "Housekeeping" concerning the management of
           the Sub-Committee's affairs.

Action Item


I.         Report any integrity monitoring
           developments and activity. (See also
           Annex R to the report of the IISC
           meeting in Norway 11/90.)
II.        Report any DGPS Integrity Monitoring
           developments and activity


III.       Information Package development:

           Distribute questionnaire to other
           known information service centres

IV.        Monitor GPSIC developments.


V.         Check validity of POC list


VI.        Track formal Issues with CGSIC 

VII.       Maintain document archive.

VIII.      Determine Interface to new Reference
           Station Subcommittee

IX.        Compile IISC List of achievements for
           next CGSIC meeting

Action by

To be
included in

To be
included in








                 ANNEX D


Global Positioning System, Theory and Practice
Hofmann-Wellenhof et al, Springer-Verlag, 1992

Global Navigation, A GPS User's Guide
Neil Ackroyd and Robert Lorimar, Lloyd's of London, 1990

GPS:  A Guide to the Next Utility
Trimble Navigation Ltd, 1988

GPS Satellite Surveying
Alfred Leick, John Wiley & Sons, 1990

Guide to GPS Positioning
David Wells et al, Canadian GPS Associates, 1986

GPS:  A Field Guidebook to Static Surveying
Trimble Navigation Ltd, 1991

GPS:  A Field Guidebook to Dynamic Surveying
Trimble Navigation Ltd, 1992

RTCM Recommended Standards for Differential Navstar GPS Service
RTCM, 1990

Basic Geodesy
Jim Smith, Landmark Enterprises, 1988

Satellite Geodesy
Gunter Seeber, Walter de Gruyter, 1993

GPS World
European Office, Unit 4E, Bridgegate
Pavilion, Chester Business Park, Wrexham
Road, Chester, CH4 9QH, United Kingdom

SPN Journal of Satellite-Based Positioning, Navigation and Communication
Herbert Wichman Verlag, Karlsruhe

Department of Defense World Geodetic System 1984
Technical Report and Supplements, DMA TR
- 8350.2, 1987