Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee
Regional Meeting
Salt Lake City 1993
The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened in Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 21, 1993.
The original meeting minutes are below.
CIVIL GPS SERVICE INTERFACE COMMITTEE ( CGSIC ) INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION SUB-COMMITTEE ( IISC ) RECORD OF THE FOURTEENTH MEETING 21 SEPTEMBER 1993 - SALT LAKE CITY 1. Meeting agenda at Annex A, attendee list at Annex B, and action list located Annex C. Meeting started with each representative describing their status. Item 1 - Record of the Thirteenth Meeting, Washington DC January 1993 2. The meeting record was accepted. Although there are two organizations in Japan representing Civil and Government users respectively; the Japan GPS Council are the civil organization for technical exchange and were confirmed as the nominated point of contact for CGSIC. Item 2 - Amsterdam Mini-Meeting, March 1993 3. The meeting record was accepted Item 3 - Revised IISC Charter 4. The draft document was approved ( See Annex E ) and will be submitted to the CGSIC Co - Chairmen for adoption. Two points were clarified in that GPS does mean DGPS which is a derivative of it. Furthermore, as IISC predominately addresses Information Exchange, then the objective statement referring to request and concerns does cover the issue of standards. Item 4 - European Update 5. A European meeting of IISC will be held in Edinburgh on the 6th/7th of December 1993. 6. IISC have received a letter from the Director - General of Department VII at the Commission of the European Communities ( see Annex D ). He has arranged for a brief statement on radionavigation policy to be forwarded for inclusion in the CGSIC September 1993 meeting record. 7. A meeting between the Commission of the European Communities and government experts concerning the creation of a European Radionavigation Plan is scheduled for September 1993. The latest information will be provided by the EC representative at the IISC European meeting. 8. The Netherlands have compiled a Radionavigation Plan. 9. The Norwegian Radionavigation Plan will initially be presented October 1993, issued end of 1993. Further statement provided at IISC European meeting. Item 5 - European User Group 10. Walter Blanchard outlined the necessity to establish an International Civil GNSS Office, in particular to manage institutional, engineering, control, operation and coordination issues. The permanent full time office would require to be staffed by senior specialist representatives who understood the requirements of varied civil users. Potential models for GNSS office formation are the Japan GPS Council, the Australian Survey and Land Information Group, and the COSPAS/SARSAT agreement. 11. Walter stressed the necessity for the office to be ancillary and supportive to existing international organization such as IMO, IALA, ICAO etc. However, ICAO FANS expected to recommend GNSS office establishment at September 93 meeting and IMO Safety of Navigation Committee as well. European Commission also support GNSS office establishment. 12. First formal meeting to establish this office took place April 93 during DSNS 93 conference in Amsterdam. Further meeting arranged for October 93 in Paris and the International Association of the Institutes of Navigation could lead to establish the proposed office. 13. The CGSIC Co - Chairman was concerned about conflictions with existing international organizations but would inform the US authorities of the GNSS office establishment proposal and Paris meeting arrangement. George Preiss recommended International Geophysical Service participation in operational, legal and technical matters concerning office establishment. Post meeting notes 14. The Paris meeting passed a resolution authorizing the International Association of the Institutes of Navigation ( primarily the French, German, Netherlands and United Kingdom organizations ) to prepare a draft document outlining GNSS Office establishment procedures. The draft document to be presented during DSNS 94 in London for approval and implementation. 15. More than one speaker firmly advocated the necessity to involve America and Russia with their strong space and aerospace activities. Frequency Allocation for Differential Services 16. UKCSG initiated discussion of this topic. Offshore surveyors are currently experiencing difficulties with interference to DGPS. Their transmissions are categorised as a Radiocommunications service and therefore not as either Radionavigation ( primary status ) or Radiolocation ( secondary status ). Currently the UK Department of Transport, Radiocommunications Agency is conducting a study to determine the needs of offshore users and endeavouring to identify suitable frequencies for their use. 17. The meeting decided that the frequencies for DGPS data links should be classified in a similar manner to those used for Radionavigation and approaches should be made to the appropriate IMO and ICAO committees regarding the categorisation question for Radionavigation, Radiolocation, Radiopositioning, Radiodetermination and Radiocommunication services. 18. DGPS transmissions from radiobeacons are categorised as Radionavigation services. Apparently DGPS frequencies throughout the North American Continent are protected and the USCG use a single carrier for combined RDF/DGPS transmissions. 19. The Japan GPS Council are now studying and coordinating with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications on behalf of Civil Users to agree DGPS frequency usage both DGPS and alerting information concerning car navigation. In fact, a FM subcarrier will be partially used for DGPS transmissions. Item 7 - National Updates 20. Sweden - More powerful PC provided for the Bulletin Board and approximate 315 files downloaded per week. Network of 20 reference stations established to study crustal dynamics and 5 reference stations for maritime applications. 21. Poland - Main prototype Bulletin Board in Warsaw with subcentre in Gydnia for maritime users. Currently Retransmits GPSIC Data from Norway to non real time users but intends to establish own Bulletin Board in 1994. Data is distributed on request to Geodesists, Navigators etc. One public DGPS service from an unencrypted maritime radiobeacon transmission, incorporating local Integrity Monitoring. 22. Trimble 4000SST used for satellite orbit determination purposes and data is forward to Germany and Austria. Initiated International project involving 35 station campaign, to create and establish geodetic reference frame for Central Europe. 23. Japan - The Japan GPS Council has 91 members, 70 members are associated with Navigation and Communications. In may 1993, JGPSC hosted a DGPS symposium and established a committee to coordinate DGPS activities and recommend operational procedures, especially for portable type equipments. Membership of CGSIC has proved beneficial to JGPSC, who are confirmed as the Japanese POC. 24. The DGPS committee will assist with the creation of a DGPS infrastructure and examine technical issues including data transmission methods and the frequency requirements. Also attend to problems and recommend implementation methods. 25. The Ministry of Transport together with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications maintain a watching brief on the global trends concerning DGPS and the developments in local and worldwide Integrity Monitoring Systems. JGPSC is concerned with the use of DGPS by the general public, whereas aviation usage is a matter for government. 26. Extensive DGPS usage for car navigation already occurs and it is of benefit to the general public. However the debate concerning open or closed systems continues, but it is feasible to collect fees for such systems. 27. Canada - There are no plans to establish a Bulletin Board but one is provided by the University of New Brunswick. The service from GPSIC proves more than adequate. 28. There is a DGPS working group which is examining the operational and technical requirements for maritime applications. The policy deliberations are ongoing and expected to be concluded within one to two months. Current issues relate to the open or closed service question, buoy positioning policy and methods, however the principle of user pays will apply. 29. Nationwide DGPS coastal coverage is intended within 2 years and a network of 26 radiobeacons are potentially required. Currently, 8 stations are operational on an experimental basis, two each on the east and west coast, 3 in the Great Lakes and one in Newfoundland. Additionally there are 3 Integrity Monitor stations, 2 reference stations and one DGPS Integrity Monitor station. A study to assess closed loop control for radiobeacons has started. The update rate for Integrity Monitor warnings for maritime purposes is 10 seconds whereas for aviation 5 seconds is required. 30. Transport Canada Aviation have formed a group which includes Federal, Local and Government representatives. It has liaised with the FAA and studies GPS use for IFR, enroute and NPA flight phases. 31. A two year ECDIS project is supported by the Canadian Coast Guard and the Canadian Hydrographic organizations. Six systems are receiving evaluation aboard a variety of marine platforms including VLCC's and Ferries. Additionally 20 vessels are fitted with ECDIS and require DGPS. 32. The Survey authorities continue to operate the Active Control Stations. These stations collect data for orbit determination purposes. Both real time and post processing services are available to the general public. 33. Australia - The Australian Surveying and Land Information Groups operate a free access Bulletin Board. It is updated by information from both GPSIC and USNO. Although good almanacs and data are available from them, weekly ephemeris is desirable from USNO. AUSLIG also coordinates user groups at both federal and local level in each state. 34. A network of national and regional GPS tracking stations are being established. Currently, there are 10 stations in Australia and 3 in Antarctica. These stations will contribute towards the creation of a national multi-purpose integrity monitor service. Two additional stations may be required by the Maritime Authority, with perhaps other installations for the Civil Aviation Authority and the Ministry of Defence. Each tracking station is fitted with 2 dual frequency receivers and a computer. 35. 50 DGPS base stations are either planned or exist for government and private users. The Australian Maritime Safety Agency is setting up a network or base stations for coastal navigation. The issue concerning government provision of open systems has yet to be resolved, and in fact two resource companies provide an encrypted service. 36. The aviation authorities require a 10 second update for Integrity warning purposes and data recording for GPS traceability purposes. Another project concerns laser ranging to GPS and Glonass satellites. 37. On the 11th of august, 4 mobile platforms reported GPS unusable outages for 18 hour periods. 38. Norway - There are three major projects related to GPS, namely the GPS Information Service, SATREF and support to the International Geophysical Service. The Bulletin Board continues operating and forwards information to both Saudia Arabia and Poland, the newsletter is now subscription based. 39. The SATREF project continues and its configuration is based on 10 carefully located reference stations which forward raw phase data to a control centre located in Honefoss. The control centre then forwards DGPS correction data to transmission mediums, currently five radiobeacons operated by the Coast Directorate Department. SATREF communication links use landlines, but for the new spitzbergen VLBI station, a satellite link will be provided. It is also planned to forward DGPS corrections via FM/AM broadcast stations, but the development of a suitable receiver is under consideration. Additionally, a purpose fitted vehicle to use SATREF to establish a road database is operated by Statens Kartverk. 40. DGPS correction data transmissions will be ' in the clear ' and the GPS Information Service plan to issue local warnings for individual reference stations. 41. Statens Kartverk are authorized PPS Users and comply with the necessary US and Norwegian government directives. 42. United Kingdom - The Bulletin Board continues operation and also the well used Fax information service. 43. The network of 11 radiobeacons broadcasting DGPS correction data is complete and provides nationwide coastal coverage. A private company have signed an agreement with the General Lighthouse Authority to use the radiobeacons as transmission mediums. All other equipment is the responsibility of the private company. 44. The General Lighthouse Authority have completed a study concerning the need or otherwise for a GPS Integrity Warning System to meet maritime requirements. This report is currently with the UK Department of Transport for study and decisions are awaited concerning its recommendations. 45. United States - The provision of a nationwide Integrity Monitor Service is receiving considering and a decision should be reached by December 1993. This system could perhaps be incorporated with the maritime DGPS correction system to be deployed by the USCG in 1996. 46. The DOD require to monitor the Standard Positioning Signal under a need to know scenario and a technical resolution to enhance their existing systems is under evaluation. Item 8 - Housekeeping a. Review Point of Contact List 47. Any POC which is unheard from for greater than 12 months will be deleted from the GPSIC list. GPSIC to provide hard copy to IISC Secretary. b. Information Package 48. GPSIC to advise changes to George Preiss. c. Semi-active Distribution 49. The US authorities have responded to the Issue concerning Distribution of Civil GPS Information. Their reply is located at Annex F. d. IISC December 1993 European Meeting 50. Arranged for 6th and 7th of December in Edinburgh Item 9 - Any Other Business 51. Mike Jensen resigned as Vice Chairman due to his impending promotion and transfer to the Hague. The Sub - committee thanked him for his support and work on their behalf. 52. Applications and nominations are requested to either the Chairman and/or Secretary for the new Vice Chairman. ANNEX A AGENDA - THIRTEENTH SUB-COMMITTEE MEETING 21.9.1993 - SALT LAKE CITY 1. 13TH Meeting Record - acceptance 2. Amsterdam Mini-Meeting 3. Revised IISC Charter - approval 4. European Update 5. European User Group 6. Frequency Allocation for Differential Services 7. National Updates: a. DGPS b. Integrity Monitoring c. Bulletin Board Operations 8. Housekeeping a. Review Point of Contact List b. Information Package c. Semi-active Distribution d. IISC December 1993 European Meeting 9. Any Other Business ANNEX B LIST OF DELEGATES --------------- ------------------------------------------ Name Representing Telephone --------------- ------------------------------------------ Janet Abraham ( interpreter ) Japan #1-206-325-6204 J E Ayres US - DMA #1-703-285-9307 Luann Barndt US - USCG #1-703-866-3806 Walter Blanchard UK - RIN #44-71-589-5021 Victor S G Brennan UK - British #1-202-463-7529 Embassy (C.A. Dept.) Kevin B Dennehy US - GPS Report #1-301-340-7788 X294 Brian A Estes US - US GAO #1-206-287-4823 Glen G Gibbons US - GPS World #1-503-343-1200 Cdr G T Gunther US - USCG #1-703-313-5801 Martin R Hendry Australia - AUSLIG #81-6-201-4350 Selko Hotta US - Nippondenso #1-313-350-7584 Technical Centre Noritaka Ibuki Japan - Nippon #81-52-232-1621 Motorola Ltd Mike Jensen (Vice-Chairman) UK - Shell UK Expro #44-71-257-5221 Bo N G Jonsson Sweden - National #46-26-153738 Land Survey of Sweden John W Lamons US - DMA at JPO #1-310-363-2284 Yukio Makino Japan #81-44-288-8514 Hiroshi Nishiguchi Japan - Japan GPS #81-3-3839-6844 Council L O Ollvik Sweden - Dept. of #46-46-109128 Geodetic Surveying George Preiss (Chairman) Norway - Statens #47-321-18393 Kartverk Harvey H Russell Canada - CCG #1-613-998-1543 Mike Savill UK - UKCSG #44-31-226-7051 Janusz Sledinski Poland - Inst. of #48-22-258515 Geodesy & Geodetic Astronomy Shuichi Takayoshi Japan Akira Tetematsu Japan - Ministry of #81-3-3504-4964 Posts and Tele - communications Yoko Tomabechi (interpreter) Japan #1-206-584-0244 R E Trice US - USSPACECOM #1-719-554-5769 Molly M Trudeau US - GPS World #1-503-343-1200 K K Vorbrich Poland - Polish #48-61-170187 Academy of Sciences M P Wiedemer US - SMC/CZ #1-310-363-1526 Dr Robert E Wilson US - University of #1-307-766-3188 of Wyoming Shigekazu Yamamoto Japan - Asia Air #81-798-73-3565 Survey Yo Yoshitoshi Japan - Mitsubishi #81-795-59-3520 Electric Corp. ANNEX C ACTION LIST Note: Action items are grouped in accordance with the objectives given in the current IISC Charter, together with a final group "Housekeeping" concerning the management of the Sub-Committee's affairs. Action Item INFORMATION NEEDS I. Report any GPS System integrity monitoring developments and activity. (See also Annex R to the report of the IISC meeting in Norway 11/90.) II. Report any DGPS Integrity Monitoring developments and activity. COMMUNICATIONS NEEDS II. Information Package development: A. Distribute questionnaire to other known information service centres III. Monitor GPSIC developments. GENERAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE IV. Check validity of POC list HOUSEKEEPING V. Track formal Issues with CGSIC Chairmen VI. Maintain document archive. VII. Determine Interface to new Reference Station Subcommittee VIII. Compile IISC List of achievements for next CGSIC meeting Action by To be included in national reports To be included in national reports Chairman Standing All Standing Standing at each meeting Chairman Standing Chairman Secretary Standing Chairman/ Secretary Chairman/ Secretary ANNEX D CHARTER FOR THE INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION SUB-COMMITTEE OF THE CIVIL GPS SERVICE INTERFACE COMMITTEE 1. Introduction The Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) has been in existence for some years with the objectives of promoting the distribution of information about the Global Positioning System (GPS) among the Civil User community. The CGSIC, which is chaired by the US Department of Transportation, has a number of Sub-Committees. 2. Objectives a. To provide an open forum for Civil User information exchange concerning the use of GPS by the international community. To monitor the development of GPS and recommend action on those issues which concern international information distribution. b. To identify the common needs of nations for GPS information, to respond to such requests and concerns submitted by the international Civil User community, and to forward issues to the CGSIC. c. To maintain a list of active points of contact in nations and international organizations which support CGSIC activities. 3. Definitions a. "Information exchange" consists of exchanging all forms of GPS information, including but not limited to, information: (1) Released internationally by USA as the GPS "proprietor"; (2) Provided to USA by user communities as "feed-back"; (3) Consisting of questions and answers related to GPS arising from problems that might be encountered from time to time. b. "Common needs" refer only to those of civilian governmental, institutional, educational and private agencies, and exclude all requirements arising from defence considerations. c. "GPS Information" consists of all forms of information about GPS, including but not limited to: (1) Operational GPS status information, as provided by the US Department of Defence; (2) GPS systems information; (3) GPS applications information; d. "Communications Methods" consists of all forms of communication including, but not limited to, conventional mail, telephone services and computer to computer data links. For sophisticated data communications techniques, individual standard and protocols are to be identified for compatibility with US systems. 4. Sub-Committee Structure a. The Sub-Committee is formed by the US Department of Transportation Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC). b. The Sub-Committee is entitled the "International Information Sub- Committee (IISC)." c. The Sub-Committee will have a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary, and may appoint additional officials or working groups at its own discretion. d. Attendance at Sub-Committee meetings is encouraged by any individual or representative of any nation or international organization. 5. Sub-Committee Guidelines a. The work of this Sub-Committee is to be coordinated with that of other Sub-Committees that have been formed by the CGSIC. b. Meeting reports are to be distributed via the US Coast Guard GPS Information Centre (GPSIC), which acts as the CGSIC secretariat, according to address lists maintained by the Sub-Committee. c. The Sub-Committee is to maintain a list of points of contact in nations and international organizations, and make these lists openly available, including them on GPS information bulletin boards. d. The Sub-Committee may arrange its own separate meetings at any time and place as announced. e. Delegates attend meetings at their own expense ANNEX E COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES Director-General for Transport dated 09.07.93 Thankyou for your letter of 8 June 1993 inviting the Commission to collaborate with CGSIC. I apologize and regret that there has been no written reply to your earlier letter dated 8 January 1993. However, I assure your that my services will co-operate fully with the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee and I would like to inform you herewith of the latest developments with regard to radionavigation issues at EC level. On June 1993 the Council of Transport Ministers decided to create a European Radionavigation plan as a priority within the Community action programme for the improvement of maritime infrastructures. I enclose a copy of the Resolution dealing with this matter. With this decision in mind, the Commission services will consult the government experts in the first half of September next. Then a meeting with users of radionavigation systems and CGSIC representatives is scheduled for the beginning of October. I have asked my services to prepare a brief statement giving the latest news on radionavigation policy immediately after the meeting with government experts, so as to be able to forward this up-date to the CGSIC meeting in Salt Lake City on 20 and 21 September 11993. I further expect that the terms of reference for the establishment of a detailed study on the radionavigation plan will be finalized in November. It will therefore be a pleasure to me to provide the latest information when giving the closing address of the Edinburgh meeting scheduled for 6 and 7 December 1993. Yours Sincerely, Robert J. Coleman The Director General, ANNEX F CIVIL GPS SERVICE ISSUE RESPONSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date 18 September 1993 Issue Title Distribution of Civil GPS Information Issue for Resolution Guaranteed reliability and continuity of the distribution of civil GPS information, including such "active" or semi- active distribution as may be mutually agreed. Response The U.S. Government makes the Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Positioning Service (SPS) available to users worldwide. As system operators, the U.S. Government also makes status information on the GPS SPS available to the user community through the U.S. Coast Guard GPS Information center (GPSIC). GPSIC's activities fulfill the U.S. Government's responsibilities to provide navigation status information under the SOLAS treaty. GPSIC makes the information available through various means, including data broadcasts and an electronic bulletin board system. The information is available to anyone who desires to obtain it. Because the GPS system is operated by the U.S. Department of Defense and the Civil GPS Interface is handled by the U.S. Department of Transportation (with the U.S. Coast Guard as the lead agency), the specific requirements and responsibilities of each Department/agency are outlined in several Memorandums of Agreement (MOA). Although the GPS is not yet fully operational, the MOAs defining the roles and responsibilities are already in force, ensuring necessary user information is available. If an individual nation desires information be actively provided in a means requiring extra expenditure of funds, a government-to-government request would need to be initiated by that nation and submitted to the U.S. State Department. A formal agreement would have to be negotiated for such services, documenting the specific information needed, each country's responsibilities, and on a reimbursable basis to the U.S. Action Taken Established INTERNET connection to GPSIC BBS through FEDWORLD BBS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIVIL GPS SERVICE ISSUE RESPONSE TO IISC/4/92