Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee
Regional Meeting
Washington 1995
The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened in Washington, D.C., on March 3, 1995.
The original meeting minutes are below.
1. Meeting agenda at Annex A, attendee list at Annex B, letter from IFAG to CSIC Moscow at Annex C, and action list located Annex D.
Item 1 - 17th Meeting Record Approval
2. The record was approved
Item 2 - Matters Arising from Item 1
a. IISC Charter Approval
3. With the release of the new charter for the Interface Committee, the IISC charter requires to be redrafted. Furthermore, the new CGSIC charter states 'Standing committee chairs will be elected by the subcommittee members for a two year term. Elections will be held at the first committee meeting of the year that is held in conjunction with a general meeting'.
b. European GPS Industry Questionnaire
4. The final report will be distributed within four weeks. The Norwegian Industry Foundation has been established in response to the questionnaire.
Item 3 - Meeting Arrangements
a. Bi-annual European Tonsberg
5. The arrangements for the meeting will be advised by the Chair at the earliest opportunity. The Secretary emphasized the need to ensure the Tonsberg meeting arrangements are quickly circulated so that international attendees can make appropriate travel and accommodation reservations.
b. Asia 1996
6. A conference of the International Federation of Surveyors is scheduled for April/May 1997. The meeting adopted Mr. Nishiguichi's suggestion to consider holding an IISC meeting concurrent with this conference.
Item 4 International Contact
a. IRTC - Frankfurt 1/95
7. At the meeting between the IISC Chair, Vice-Chair and the Moscow based representatives of the Internavigation Research and Technical Centre (IRTC), a protocol agreement was signed by the meeting attendees and subsequently submitted to the CGSIC Chair for adoption. The agreement facilitates the exchange of GPS/Glonass information between IRTC in Moscow and IFAG Frankfurt. On behalf of the Subcommittee, the Chair expressed their appreciation to IFAG for organizing and hosting the meeting.
8. Recently, IFAG have been approached by the Coordinational Scientific Information Center (CSIC) of the Russian Space Forces, Ministry of Defence concerning the provision of Glonass information. Annex C contains George Weber's response.
b. European Union
9. At the invitation of the Transport Directorate (DG VII), a subset of the European IISC members submitted their advisory report titled Organising The Consultative Process for European GNSS User Requirements. Copies are available from IISC subcommittee officials.
10. Following the report submission, the Transport Directorate have indicated their intention to request minor report changes and subsequently issue it as a formal European Union document.
11. Under contract (ref R94,B6835101,SIN621) to DG VII, Smith System Engineering Ltd is managing a study of the organizational aspects of the application of space systems to transport. At Smith's request, the Secretary has arranged to meet their representative to discuss their consultancy, and also the views expressed in the IISC advisory report.
Item 5 US Activities
a. NAPA Consultation
12. NAPA Representatives have attended separate meetings with government officials from Fiji, Japan, and Norway; also senior officers of the European Union. Further meetings were held with members of the Japan GPS Industry Council, BIPM in Paris, and Washington based CAA staff. The RIN hosted a London meeting between NAPA representatives and private industry representatives.
13. At these meetings, NAPA outlined the objectives of their study and sought the views of attendees about the actions required to obtain greater international GPS acceptance.
b. Wide Area Augmentation Study
14. Following the extensive morning CGSIC ITS report discussion, further debate was considered unnecessary. However, the Subcommittee attendees expressed concern at the lack of consultation within CGSIC to the Subcommittees. However, the Group recognized the pressures to complete the study on time, which adversely impacted on consultation with the international community.
15. The Subcommittee requested its Chair to write to the CGSIC Chair and describe the resource of opinion available within the Subcommittee. Terri Dorphinghaus has kindly provided the information listed below describing current GPS studies by the US authorities.
16. GPS Studies
Executive Study (Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Critical Tech. Institute (Rand Corp)
POC: Monica Pinto (202)296-5000 ext. 5624
Scott Pace (202)296-5000 ext. 5687
Report Due: Jun 95
Congressional Studies
National Academy of Public Admin (NAPA)
POC: Mr. Roger Sperry (202)347-3190
Mr. Arnold Donabue(same)
Report Due : May 95
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (NRC)
POC: Mr Dave Turner (202)334-2895
Report Due: May 95
Department of Defence
Defence Science Board
CDR Wallace JPO in LA: (310)
Report Due: Aug 95
Department of Transportation/Department of Commence
Institute of Telecommunications Sciences (ITS)
POC: Rob Debolt
Study completed Jan 95
The DSB study is on jamming and spoofing, therefore doubt exists that any interface with the international committees will be required or desired.
Item 6 National Developments and Multi-Nodal Topics
17. In Japan, the availability of FM DGPS RDS transmissions is expected to stimulate sharp growth in car navigation applications. The RTCM 104 recommendations are now accepted as the national standard and also regarded as a world standard. Currently, corrections for 8 satellites are contained in one data frame, which takes 5 seconds to transmit. The latest top range Mercedes and BMW cars are to be fitted with combined audio/visual car navigation system. However, the progress to implement GPS based systems is dependent on other factors including the demand for products and the definition of them. The Swedish police are testing usage of the recently established Terracom RDS DGPS transmission network.
18. International Transport System conferences are scheduled for the US during March 1995, and Paris in November 1995. It is intended to hold the next International Transport System world conference in Japan.
19. Despite some project delays, the USCG DGPS system will be fully deployed by early 1996. Analysis of the latest performance data indicates an average position accuracy of less than two metres. Trimble obtained the Integrity Monitor contract, Ashtech the Reference Station contract.
20. The Canadian Coast Guard have 11 maritime DGPS testbed transmitters in operation, with implementation plans for another 14 stations. Sweden have established their full complement of 7 stations and they will commence full operational service early 1996. Norway now have 8 DGPS radiobeacons linked to the SATREF system. Germany have experimented with a DGPS long wave transmission for nationwide coverage and continuous operation is under consideration.
c. Integrity Monitoring
21. During January, a trend was detected for the prediction of outages to be longer than actual scheduled down times. This trend adversely affects the performance statistics for the constellation. There were also six times as many unscheduled outages than scheduled ones in January.
d. Land/Marine/Air
22. Transport Canada Aviation have established a Satellite Program Office and participated in the US FAA WAAS trials. Tropospheric modelling work continues and TCA are developing standards for GPS approaches. The German Radionavigation Plan to be complete by June 1995 and IFAG are assisting Eurocontrol to establish 3cm reference system. The Netherlands have developed services to perform datum transformations and there is a concerted move towards LORAN C use for a variety of applications, supportive to GPS.
23. The UK CAA and British Airways are evaluating the use of prototype DGPS and MLS landing systems at Heathrow airport. Additionally, they are conducting Air Dependence Surveillance trials with a 747 using Inmarsat as the communications medium and GPS as the position sensor.
Item 7 Bulletin Board Topics
a. Internet/Compuserve
24. The USCG intends to expand their existing Internet service by July 1995 to include access via gopher, anonymous ftp and world-wide web, coordinated with the introduction of a single computer system running multi-tasking software. Apart from the German Bulletin Board, no other European Bulletin Board can be accessed via Internet, although the UK BB uses Internet to access both the USNO and NIS BB's for file downloading.
25. Any susceptibility to the import of a computer virus to a BB via Internet is generally limited as users primarily retrieve information. Further virus protection is achieved by operating the BB as an independent system from other local computer systems.
b. Active Distribution
26. George Weber stated the intention to create, compile and distribute Notices to Glonass Users (NAGU's) from the IRTC data. He has decided to assess the reliability of this information source before undertaking regular NAGU distribution to POC's via E-mail addressee list.
27. The NIS policy is only to post information which has been directly obtained by them from the service provider or system operator. Therefore, NIS required to determine the acceptability of using the proposed IFAG NAGU service.
c. Software Inventory
28. The need for this task is questioned as most Bulletin Boards are now well established. Although it has been deleted from the action list, George Weber will be pleased to assist with queries regarding the choice of Bulletin Board software.
Item 8 IISC projects
a. Product Information Package
29. Task remains outstanding.
b. DGPS Survey
30. This task is now related to the work of the Reference Station Committee and liaison about the survey is needed with their Chair.
Item 9 Housekeeping
a. POC List
31. Task remains outstanding.
b. NATO Partners in Peace
32. Turkey have now advised their National Point of Contact.
Item 10 IISC Aims and Objectives
33. The Secretary requested the delegates to examine the IISC Charter and forward comment about it to him. Also, perhaps outlining their perspective for the way ahead with the Subcommittee.
Item 11 Any Other Business
34. The question was raised about the role of the CGSIC in the WAAS deliberations and how do European Civil Aviation interests communicate with the United States authorities about it.
IISC 18th Meeting - Washington March 3, 1995
Item Subject Leader
(1) 17th Meeting Record Approval Chair
(2) Item 1 - Matters Arising Chair
a. IISC Charter Approval
b. European GPS Industry Questionnaire
(3) Meeting Arrangements Chair
a. Bi-Annual European Tonsberg
b. Asia 1996
(4) International Contact Vice Chair/
a. CIS - Frankfurt 1/95
b. EU
(5) US Activities
a. NAPA Consultation
b. Wide Area Augmentation Study
(6) National Development and Multi Nodal Topics All
c. IM
d. Land/Marine/Air
(7) Bulletin Board Topics Chair
a. Internet/Compuserve
b. Active Distribution
c. Software Inventory
(8) IISC Projects Vice Chair
a. Product Info Package
b. DGPS Survey
(9) Housekeeping Chair/Secretary
a. POC List
b. NATO Partners in Peace
(10) IISC Aims and Objectives Secretary
(11) Any Other Business Chair
Last Name | First Name | Representing | Telephone | Telefax | |
Barnes | Michael | UK (Racal) | +1-713-784-4482 | +1-713-784-8162 | |
Belton | Bill | USA | +1-202-205-1428 | +1-202-205-0861 | w.belton@mha.attmail.com |
Botting | Del B | USA | +1-703-805-2975 | +1703-805-3554 | |
Brennan | Victor S | UK | +1-202-463-7529 | +1-202-223-9368 | civain@access.digex.com |
Brown | Karl E | USA | +1-303-969-2609 | +1-303-969-2160 | kbrown@its.nbs.gov |
Casswell | Rebecca | USA | +1-703-313-5930 | +1-703-313-5805 | cgsic@navcen.uscg.mil |
Chen | Michael | USA | +1-301-840-8977 | +1-301-840-5386 | chchen@CAPACESS.ong |
Dorpinghaus | Terri | USA | +1-719-380-0031 | +1-719-380-1421 | bdcos.net |
Hothern | Larry D | USA | +1-703-648-4663 | +1-703-648-4722 | Ihothern@usgs.gov |
Ison | Marilynn | USA | +1-310-363-2284 | +1-310-363-0843 | ISONMS@GPSI.LAAFB.LA.M/L |
Jaeger | USA | +1-202-776-1200 | +1-202-452-0699 | gljaeger@aol.com | |
Jonsson | Bo N G | Sweden | +46-26-153738 | +46-26-610676 | |
Katahira | Masako | Japan | |||
Kuraya | Naohiki | Japan | +81-583-82-5817 | +81-583-82-5404 | |
Lochhead | Kim | Canada | +1-613-992-1997 | +1-613-995-3215 | lochhead@geod.emr.ca |
Nishiguchi | Hiroshi | Japan | +61-3-3839-6644 | +81-3-3839-2166 | QZCO1241@niftyserve.or.jp |
Olsen | Harald | Norway | +47-33347300 | +47-33347304 | 100273.3247@compuserve.com |
Preiss | George | Norway | +47-33347301 | +47-33347304 | 100273.3247@compuserve.com |
Ramirez | Arturo | USA | +1-703-805-2217 | +1-703-805-3554 | |
Savill | Michael | UK | +44-31-226-7051 | +44-31-220-2093 | |
Schlechte | Gene | USA | +1-703-313-5800 | +1-703-313-5920 | |
Shirer | Heywood | USA | +1-202-366-4355 | +1-202-366-3393 | |
Spencer | John F | USA | +1-301-713-3169 | +1-301-713-4175 | jspencer@ngs.noaa.gov |
Thompson | Jeff | USA | +1-903-805-3218 | +1-703-805-3554 | |
Turner | David A | USA | +1-202-334-2895 | +1-202-334-1340 | |
Van Dyke | Karen | USA | +1-617-494-2432 | +1-817-494-2628 | vandyke@volpe1.dot.gov |
Waggoner | Gary | USA | +1-303-969-2590 | +1-303-969-2160 | |
Van der Wal | Hans | Netherlands | +31-15-691395 | +31-15-618962 | |
Weber | Georg | Germany | +49-69-6333-391 | +49-69-6333-425 | weber@gps.ifag.de |
To: Mr M G Lebedev, Coordinational Scientific Information Center, Moscow
Dear Mr Lebedev,
I am very glad to learn from your e-mail dated 26 Feb 1995, that the matters of information about the GLONASS system are now handled by the Coordinational Scientific Information Center (CSIC) of the Russian Space Forces, Ministry of Defence. We highly appreciate your intention to provide relevant information by means of a regular service.
The Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) is a U.S. institution, which has been established in order to support the civil use of the GPS system. Its Informational Information Subcommittee (IISC) promotes the distribution of information about GPS among the civil user community (see CGSIC charter and IISC charter, ANNEX A and B). One of the IISC tasks is to communicate with points of contact in nations and international organizations which support CGSIC activities. My institute, the Institute for Applied Geodesy in Frankfurt acts as the national point of contact for Germany. We are operating a GPS Information Bulletin Board System (GIBS, see ANNEX C), offering any kind of GPS, Differential GPS or GLONASS information which is available for us.
The IISC collects and exchanges information. The CSIC is welcome to join these activities, undertaken to distribute information and, not in the least, to extend the international acceptance of GPS as one of the globally available and most potential systems beside GLONASS. Due to the similarities between both systems, which means communicating with more or less the same user groups, any kind of cooperation in the field of user information is recommended.
At the moment, users of GLONASS in many countries still suffer from a lack of background information. In turn, I guess that GPS users in your country might be interested in status information on GPS. We believe that a free exchange of information is the right way to increase the overall knowledge on and the confidence in GLONASS and GPS, which is to the benefit of the whole worldwide navigation and positioning community.
Depending on your choice, we are ready to transfer any data from our Bulletin Board System (see Available Information, ANNEX C) to the CSIC via Internet by electronic mail. We are right now looking for GLONASS status information. Our intention is to make
* advanced warnings for GLONASS and
* continuously updated status file for GLONASS
available for users of various Bulletin Board Systems. It would be very much appreciated if you could help us with any unclassified information which is accessible for you and free for distribution.
Thanking you in advance for answer, Yours Sincerely, signed George Weber
Note: Action items are grouped in accordance with the objectives given in the current draft IISC Charter, together with a final group "Housekeeping" concerning the management of the Sub-Committee's affairs.
Action Item Action by
1. 2. 3. 4. |
Report integrity monitoring developments and activity Report DGPS developments and activity Product Information Package: Ascertain the products and services available from Bulletin Board operators and service providers IISC Charter review Comments requested by the Secretary for receipt prior to the IISC September 1995 meeting |
To be included in national reports To be included in national reports Chair and Vice Chair All standing |
5. 6. 7. 8. |
Internavigation Research and Technical Centre information link IVHS deployment and developments Active distribution Monitor NIS developments |
Vice Chair All standing All standing All standing |
9. |
Inform CGSIC Chair that a resource of opinion available within IISC |
Chair | ||
No action outstanding
10. 11. 12. |
Check validity of POC list Advise the final arrangements for the April 1995 European meeting Provisional arrangements for the potential 1997 Asian meeting |
Chair and Secretary Chair All standing |
a. b. c. |
Track formal issues with CGSIC Chair Maintain document archive Compile IISC Achievement list |
Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary Chair and Secretary Vice Chair and Secretary |