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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee

Regional Meeting
Melbourne 2003

The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, on February 10-11, 2003.


Monday, 10 February 2003

0900-0915 Welcome Keith McPherson, ISC, Deputy Chair, Australasia Region

0915-0930 Welcome John Wilde Chair CGSIC International Sub Committee

0930-0945 Role of CGSIC IISC – Capt Curt Dubay USCG Co-Chair CGSIC

0945-1015 Role of AGCC and Australian Satellite Navigation Policy - Dr Don Sinnott Chair AGCC

1015-1030 Role of State Reference Groups - Peter Ramm NRE Victoria

1030-1100 Morning Tea

1100-1120 Opening Address Prof Lyndsay Neilson, Secretary, Department of Sustainability & Environment Victoria

1120-1140 GPS Policy Overview – Julie Karner US State Department

1140-1210 Vulnerability – Mike Shaw USDoT

1210-1230 Civil NANUs & GPS Reporting – Rebecca Casswell USCG

Acive GPS Control Networks in New Zealand - Graeme Blick, Office of Surveyor General

1230-1330 Lunch (at own expense)

1330-1400 GPS in Fiji – Mr Jone Koroitamana, Chief Executive Airports Fiji Ltd - (Summary in Word format)

1400-1420 GPS in Agriculture – Ben Jones, Dept of Natural Resources & Environment Victoria

1420-1440 Maritime use of GPS – Mahesh Alimchandani, Australian Maritime Safety Authority - (Summary in Word format)

1440-1500 Stevedoring – Graeme Hooper GPSat Systems

1500-1530 Afternoon Tea

1530-1600 Aviation use of GPS - Keith McPherson Airservices Australia

Aviation Uses of GPS - Ian Mallett CASA

1600-1630 Commercial Differential GPS - Mr Gavin Abbott OmniSTAR Pty Ltd

1630-1700 Discussion Group – issues with the use of GPS in Australia and region

- Antarctic problems, - Other issues on the day

Tuesday, 11 February 2003

0900-0930 Galileo – Peter Grognard, Septentrio (Belgium) Deputy Chair CGSIC ISC

0930-1000 Carrier Phase-Based GNSS: A University Research Agenda – Prof Chris Rizos UNSW

1000-1030 Victorian Differential GPS Network – Peter Ramm NRE Victoria

AUSPOS On-Line GPS Processing System - John Manning, Geosciences Australia

1030-1100 Morning Tea

1100-1130 Timing standards in Australia – Peter Fisk, CSIRO

1130-1220 Other country reports (eg Japan, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan)

1220-1230 Closing remarks – John Wilde

1330-1630 Visit to Patricks Wharves in Melbourne

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