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Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
International Information Subcommittee

Regional Meeting
Geneva 2007

The International Information Subcommittee (IISC) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 28, 2007.


Monday, 28 May 2007

  1. Opening & Welcome
    John Wilde, CGSIC Deputy Chair (International)
    Terry Moore, ISC Chair
    View presentation (38 KB PDF)
  2. GPS Policy Update
    Rich Brancato, CGSIC Chair
    View presentation (34 KB PDF)
  3. GPS Constellation Status
    Doug Louden, US Coast Guard liaison at GPSOC
    View presentation (217 KB PDF)
  4. International Activities
    Ray Clore, US Department of State
    View presentation (148 KB PDF)
  5. Update on e-Loran
    Mitch Narins, FAA
    View presentation (3 MB PDF)
  6. GLA Radionavigation Plan
    Sally Basker, General Lighthouse Authorities
    View presentation (498 KB PDF)
  7. Leica's New Technologies & Trends
    Luis Serrano, Leica Geosystems AG
    View presentation (267 KB PDF)

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