Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
U.S. State & Local Government Subcommittee
Regional Meeting
Bozeman 2010
The U.S. State and Local Government Subcommittee (USSLS) of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) convened in Bozeman, Montana, on April 21, 2010.
Wednesday April 21, 2010
1:30 P.M
Rudy Persaud, Chair, U.S. State and Local Government Subcommittee
Civil GPS Service Interface Committee
What is the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee?
Rudy Persaud, USDOT/Federal Highway Administration
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(820 KB PowerPoint format)
- Learn about the Federal GPS and augmentation systems
- Provide an open forum for civil user information exchange
- Identify the common needs of state and local governments for GPS and GPS augmentation information
- Identify information requirements and methods
- Maintain a list of active points of contact in state and local governments
- Conduct state and local government GPS information studies
Using Federally-Provided Systems to Meet State and Local Positioning Needs
Timothy Klein, NDGPS Coordinator
USDOT/Research and Innovative Technology Administration
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(7 MB PowerPoint format)
GPS Constellation Briefing
Capt Damon Smith, U.S Air Force Space Command
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(1 MB PowerPoint format)
3:00-3:15 Break
Nationwide Differential GPS (NDGPS) Project Status
CWO2 Greg Sandness, US Coast Guard Navigation Center
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(7 MB PowerPoint format)
High Accuracy NDGPS – Flexibility with a Consistent Infrastructure
James Arnold, USDOT/Federal Highway Administration
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(3 MB PowerPoint format)
Advancements in GPS and Aerial Photography
DeLane Meier, North Dakota Department of Transportation
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(10 MB PowerPoint format)
Using CORS and OPUS
Curtis Smith, NOAA/National Geodetic Survey
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(16 MB PowerPoint format)
Rudy Persaud, Chair/USSLS/CGSIC
5:30 End of meeting