National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
Advisory Board
Membership, 2011-2013

The Advisory Board members were appointed to serve as either Special Government Employees (SGE's) or Representatives. SGE's and Representatives abide by different standards of ethical conduct.
Special Government Employees
SGE's are experts from industry or academia who temporarily receive federal employee status during Advisory Board meetings.
- James R. Schlesinger (Chair), MITRE and Barclays Capital
- Bradford Parkinson (Vice Chair), Stanford University
- Dean Brenner, Qualcomm
- Joseph D. Burns, United Airlines
- Richard DalBello, Intelsat General
- Per K. Enge, Stanford University
- Martin C. Faga, Former President & CEO, MITRE
- James E. Geringer, ESRI
- Keith R. Hall, Booz-Allen Hamilton
- Ronald R. Hatch, NavCom Technology, John Deere
- Robert J. Hermann, Global Technology Partners, LLC
- Rajiv Khosla, Colorado State University
- Lance Lord, Former Commander, Air Force Space Command
- Peter Marquez, Orbital
- James P. McCarthy, U.S. Air Force Academy
- Terence J. McGurn, private consultant (retired CIA)
- Timothy A. Murphy, The Boeing Company
- Ruth Neilan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Charles R. Trimble, Chairman, U.S. GPS Industry Council
Representatives are individuals designated to speak on behalf of particular interest groups.
- Gerhard Beutler, International Association of Geodesy (Switzerland)
- Ann Ciganer, U.S. GPS Industry Council
- Arve Dimmen, Norwegian Coastal Administration (Norway)
- Hiroshi Nishiguchi, Japan GPS Council (Japan)
- Rafaat M. Rashad, Arab Institute of Navigation (Egypt)