National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
It is a central resource within the government for GPS policy information.
The National Coordination Office is responsible for collecting GPS-related information from multiple federal agencies to support the operations of the National Executive Committee, including interagency coordination, consensus development, and issue resolution.
The office maintains the Five-Year National Plan for Space-Based PNT and assesses its implementation by the member agencies.
Operational Support
The member agencies on the National Executive Committee provide the personnel on rotational assignments to the office.
The Departments of Defense (DoD) and Transportation (DOT) provide annual funding for travel, contracting, and other activities.
Learn more about DoD
Learn more about DOT
The office is led by a director and deputy director and includes a cadre of senior advisors from the National Executive Committee agencies.
Director: Harold Martin
Department of Transportation
View bio -
Deputy Director: Col Brandon Beers
Department of Defense
View bio -
Jason Kim
Department of Commerce
View bio - Mike Striffolino
Department of Homeland Security -
Ken Alexander
Department of Transportation -
Everett Hinkley
Department of Agriculture -
Jeff Auerbach
Department of State - A.J. Oria
Josh Nimetz
Department of the Interior - Josh Wolny
Department of State
The NCO staff also includes the following contractor expertise:
Jim Burton
Technical Advisor, Overlook Systems -
Chris Mindnich
Legislative Liaison, Overlook Systems
- Bernadette Bing
Administrative Assistant
Contact Information
The National Coordination Office is a point of contact for public inquiries and other communications regarding GPS policy.
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Find support
- Phone: +1 (202) 482-5809
- Email:
- Street Address:
National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Herbert C. Hoover Building, Room 62024
1401 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20230
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