Presentation Materials from
Congressional Outreach Event
April 28, 2009
The NCO Director presented the following materials during a congressional outreach event focusing on The Importance of GPS to U.S. Civilian and Economic Infrastructures. The NCO organized the event with sponsorship from Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Chair of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee.
The Global Positioning System (GPS): A Program and Policy OverviewMichael Shaw, National Coordination Office This briefing provides basic information about the Global Positioning System, GPS augmentations, and the GPS modernization program. |
Wrap-Up SlidesMichael Shaw, National Coordination Office These slides were used to wrap up the panel discussion. |
The program also featured U.S. industry presentations by Capt. Joe Burns of United Airlines and Mr. Shekhar Somanath of Qualcomm. Their briefings are available upon request. The specific companies participated in the event for informational purposes only; their inclusion in the program does not constitute an endorsement of their companies, products, or services by the U.S. Government.
The following materials were distributed during the event.
- Agenda
- Issue paper
- GPS information booklet
- Brochure about the National Executive Committee
The event also featured a hands-on demonstration of GPS technology organized by the creators of the GPS Adventures science exhibit and volunteers from the Maryland Geocaching Society. The demo allowed congressional staff to use handheld GPS receivers to locate nearby objects (a tree, a bus stop, and a fire hydrant), where educational signs were posted.