U.S. Presentations from
Korean GNSS Workshop
November 4, 2009
The following presentations were delivered by the U.S. Government representative at the 2009 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS (GPS/GNSS 2009), organized in Jeju, South Korea, by the GNSS Technology Council of Korea.
U.S. Diplomatic Activities in Support of Worldwide GNSS InteroperabilityRay Clore, U.S. Department of State This presentation, delivered during the Asia regional meeting of the International Information Subcommittee of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC), provides an overview of U.S. international cooperation efforts related to GPS. |
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U.S. LORAN StatusEd Thiedeman, U.S. Coast Guard This presentation, delivered during the opening plenary session, describes the history of Loran, recent activities including development of the Enhanced Loran (eLoran) concept, and prospects for its future in the United States. |
Status of GPS: Constellation Modernization and U.S. Diplomatic ActivitiesRay Clore, U.S. Department of State This presentation, delivered during the "Status of GNSS" session, provides similar information to the CGSIC briefing above, but adds in a status report on the GPS constellation and GPS modernization program. |