U.S. Presentations from ICG-5

October 17-22, 2010

The U.S. delegation delivered the following presentations during the 5th annual meeting of the International Committee on GNSS (ICG), held October 17-22, 2010, in Turin, Italy.

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U.S. Systems Status and Service Provision

Anthony Russo, National Coordination Office

This plenary presentation includes three sections covering: U.S. space-based PNT policy implementation; GPS technical information and modernization plans; and U.S. augmentation systems.

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GPS Civil Interface Observations

Rick Hamilton, Coast Guard Navigation Center

This briefing, presented during a plenary session, describes the Navigation Center's recent experiences in dealing with user equipment that does not comply with GPS Interface Control Documents and user feedback on the NANU process used to disseminate GPS status information. It describes the Notice to All Navigation Users (NANU) format and suggests that other GNSS providers use it to broadcast their own status reports.

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Enabling Multi-Constellation Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM)

Leo Eldredge, Federal Aviation Administration

This presentation provides an overview of the FAA's investigations into ARAIM as a possible method of ensuring GPS integrity in aircraft without external augmentation systems. The use of multiple frequencies and multiple GNSS constellations could make this feasible in the future, if the right information becomes available from the GNSS providers.

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Template for GNSS Service Performance Commitments

Karl Kovach, contractor to U.S. Air Force

This briefing, presented during the Providers Forum, describes how the United States documents its GPS performance commitments to the public. It encourages other GNSS providers to use the same formats to document their own service commitments.

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DHS Progress with the PatriotWatch Program

Rick Hamilton, Coast Guard Navigation Center

This briefing, presented during the Providers Forum, describes a U.S. effort to detect and mitigate interference to GPS.

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Seamless GNSS Through Integrated User Equipment: A Joint Evaluation of US and EU Systems

Ken Alexander, Federal Aviation Administration
Ignacio Fernández Hernández, European Commission

This briefing, presented during Working Group A (Compatibility and Interoperability), summarizes joint U.S.-European studies documenting the combined performances of GPS-Galileo and WAAS-EGNOS.

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Link Budgets

John Betz, contractor to U.S. Air Force

This briefing, presented during Working Group A, discusses the need for GNSS providers to avoid interference with each other by consistently defining their maximum received signal power levels.

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Coming Soon

Outreach Panel at ION GNSS 2011

Rick Hamilton, Coast Guard Navigation Center
Tom Von Deak, NASA

This briefing, presented during Working Group C (Information Dissemination and Capacity Building), describes efforts to organize a panel discussion about the ICG during the Institute of Navigation's GNSS 2011 conference.

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Aviation Augmentations Status Update

Leo Eldredge, Federal Aviation Administration

This briefing, presented during Working Group B (Enhancement of Performance of GNSS Services), provides detailed updates on the FAA's aviation augmentation systems (WAAS, LAAS) and discusses the growing interference problem caused by small GPS jammers.

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Geodetic Reference Systems Template

Barbara Wiley, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

This briefing, presented during Working Group D (Interaction with International Organizations, National, and Regional Authorities), proposes a standard format for GNSS providers to use in describing their respective geodetic reference systems.

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GNSS Timescale Description Template

Ed Powers, U.S. Naval Observatory
Stephen Mitchell, U.S. Naval Observatory

This briefing, presented during Working Group D, proposes a standard format for GNSS providers to use in describing their respective system timescales.

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Applications of GPS Provided Time and Frequency

Ed Powers, U.S. Naval Observatory

This briefing, presented during a plenary session on timing, describes the precise time service provided by GPS and the variety of civilian applications it has enabled.

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Introduction of the Interagency Operations Advisory Group (IOAG)

James Miller, NASA

This briefing, presented during a plenary session, describes the Interagency Operations Advisory Group, a forum for identifying common needs across multiple international agencies for coordinating space communications, policy, high-level procedures, technical interfaces, and other matters related to interoperability and space communications.

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