GPS-Galileo Working Group C
ARAIM Technical Subgroup
Milestone 2 Report

February 11, 2015

The U.S.-EU Agreement on GPS-Galileo Cooperation signed in 2004 established the principles for the cooperation activities between the United States of America and the European Union in the field of satellite navigation. The Agreement foresaw a working group to promote cooperation on the design and development of the next generation of civil satellite-based navigation and timing systems. This work became the focus of Working Group C (WG-C).

Working Group C (WG-C) is designed to enhance cooperation for next generation GNSS. One of the objectives of WG-C is to develop integrated applications for Safety-of-Life services. To this end, WG-C established the ARAIM Technical Subgroup. The objective of the Subgroup is to investigate ARAIM (Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring). The further goal is to determine whether ARAIM can be the basis for a multi-constellation concept to support air navigation worldwide.

The ARAIM consultations resulted in the public release of the following report, the second milestone in a three-phase effort:

Working Group C, ARAIM Technical Subgroup Milestone 2 Report (3.8 MB PDF)

Also available at:

This document is the second milestone report in a three-phase effort. The report informs the aviation industry and international standards bodies about the progress made in this area thanks to the collaborative work of the United States and the European Union, calls for comments on the main findings, and strives to build a consensus towards the future standardization of ARAIM at the international level.

The report describes the following ARAIM architectures that are presented to the larger aviation community for their comment in early 2015:

The United States and European Union remain focused on improving GNSS services through the development of both advanced receiver techniques and Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) for integrity monitoring and to improve GNSS navigation positioning, and timing services for all users worldwide.