GPS Service Outages & Status Reports

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Experiencing GPS satellite service disruptions, degradation, or position/time anomalies?
We can help. Choose the type of user you are:
Civilian User Support — Non-Aviation

The U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center (NAVCEN) is the designated point of contact for providing operational GPS user support to the civilian community. The following links lead to the NAVCEN website.
- Check the operational status of the GPS satellites
- Look up planned GPS service disruptions due to interference testing
- Review known/reported GPS service anomalies
- Report a GPS service outage or anomaly (non-aviation)
- Receive GPS status messages & user advisories via email
Civilian User Support — Aviation

Civil aviation users should contact the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for GPS user support within the United States. For aviation GPS support outside the United States, please contact NAVCEN. The following links lead to pages on the FAA website.
- Check the operational status of the GPS Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
- Look up Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) about known GPS service disruptions
- Report an aviation-specific GPS service outage or anomaly
Military User Support

The GPS Operations Center (GPSOC) at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, is the focal point in the Department of Defense (DOD) for operational issues and questions concerning military use of GPS. The GPSOC, part of Air Force Space Command, provides DOD and allied GPS users worldwide with anomaly reports and other information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The GPSOC is responsible for:
- Receiving reports and coordinating responses to radio frequency interference in the use of GPS in military operations;
- Providing prompt responses to DOD user problems or questions concerning GPS;
- Providing official United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) monitoring of GPS performance provided to DOD users on a global basis;
- Providing tactical support for planning and assessing military missions involving the use of GPS.
The GPSOC interfaces with the civil community through NAVCEN and FAA.
Visit GPSOC website (may not open for non-military users)